LOL? 8/3
What the hell . Nvr pose for such a very long long long long long time. I dunno what to do ,so,i drop by to take a look . HHmmm... Who is READING this , i wanna ask.What do you feel when you helped a person when he/she's in trouble and that person dun care about you for a long time in a sudden .Reflect it.Sry , my english sucks . Bye .
5:11 PM
Just came back from soccer,not so tired...Tmr we'll be having match against an Australia team,hope we'll win although it's not a competition or a tournament.Also hope that I get to play better that before.Anyway,Yesterday went to East Coast Park with 2F boys.Kinda fun that we played in the water,Barbeque and tell GHOST STORIES.So funny that Burhan tell fake stories that was taken in movies,such a bad idea that it's very obvious to tell what the movie was.Haizz,this week is gonna be a tired one.Thursday going to Pulau Ubin,dunno what's my Brother gonna plan,maybe biking.Friday meeting Andy...Okay,that's all I had,hv a Happy Holiday everyone,Bye Bye...
-Love 2E-
6:12 PM
hello,long time no pose 1/11
Hello everyone,had been a very very long time not posting...The first thing I'm gonna say is that I'M REALLY MISS 2E MAN!...2E is like seriously part of my family.It was great that we had fun together at sentosa,cinema,my hs and much more places.Haizz,I actually had alot of things to say but,kinda tired cause tmr I'll be having remedial and following 2F to their outing and,I'm the only 2E(innocent).But nvm as most of 2F peoples are good friends.Anyway,I'll be having another outing with 2E which for Joshua's leaving Outing.Damn sad that Joshua gonna leave the school,Singapore,and not coming back forever.On 3 december,it is his last step on Singapore,last sight to see him.Okaylah,I had nth else to say,had a great HOLIDAYS everyone...ByeBye...
1:03 AM
Haiyyy 22/8
Hey everyone,I know I had been a long time not posting anything.I've been very tried and busy due to ,fever,tournaments and other activities that avoids me blogging.Not much to say.Ermm,thursday went to YOG football to to watch Singapore vs Menetegro,i think so.It was such an epic that some 1 got red card because of punching his oppenent,which is a singaporean.He want out of the game straight away.And it's also for the best for Singapore to win,fortunately it is.They won 3-2.

Anyway,just now went to Lan with Arif,jumat,Muhammad and Burhan.We went to play CS,5 vs 16 Bots(Computer).We won most of it,and we also laugh at times.

Okay that's all I had,also some pics uploaded.I'll try to tell more stories when have time,ByeBye...
12:05 AM
Halooo,kinda tired after playing bycicle with tarmizi,faathir and arif.We had fun though and we also laugh at the same time.There was once whereby tarmizi's phone is wit me and someone called his phone of the song-Waving the flag- I think.Then I looked for him and saw him at about 50m away.I called him,"Tarmizi!",then,in the same time,he fell down with his bycicle with a extremely cute funny fall beacause it was slippery.I laughed non-stop till i was out of breath.Then after a few seconds,he took his phone and say "hello",and then,I laughed again.He was not in pain,and still can do other things.Hah,i'm laughing while writing this.Okay,I know it's lame but if you were me,you can't help him get up because you will laugh,not knowing the world.Then,there's also a part when i lean my front body on Faathir's skateboard and hold a rope that is tied on arif's bycicle.It was fun that you could feel the greatness.Anyway,about soccer,it's a sad one.We lost saint gabrial.We drawn the whole match with them and till the penalty kick,their keeper saved 3 of our shots and our goalkeeper saved only 1 of their shots.It means that they got the most goals in the whole penalty kicks.And at the same time,our players who took the shots cried including the captain.Mr Razif said that penalty kicks is just a gambling.It's just the luck they have and we have.But our play was great and enjoyable.Our hope is the next match on Monday with Canberra to get 3rd placing.It's sad to see them crying.Okay,anyway,on thursday or wed,maths class,kamilah was talking with someone in malay loudly and chin hui told me,"Ehk!What sia kamilah talking malay!",then I told her,"Why,you got problem arh?",then,I and roshan laughed happily.Chin Hui was such like a blur,like an 'ALIEN'.Each complaint she made,i would say,"Why?Got problem arh?".It was almost 10 times I told her this in that period.Okay,I'll end here,thx for reading my damn very long post. :)
9:34 PM
Hey everyone,last Saturday went to Water Front with my bestfriend,Nazim.We had a great day together with his family too.Although we are in different schools,we're still in contact with each other.Some pics :D

That is him.Many people say he's handsome.He's a joker too.

That's all I had,not much photos(actually alot).Gonna be tired this week,i meant every week.haizz.Bye bye... :D
10:13 PM
Favourite songs